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Ya Dunia1St


ya ni aina

Deerfield Beach, FL

florida pageant




November 7 - 10th


Embassy Suites by Hilton 

950 South Ocean Drive

Deerfield Beach, FL

Get ready to experience the best of both worlds

with our innovative HYBRID PAGEANT!

Enjoy the stress-free aspects of virtual pageantry

and the excitement of in-person competition. 

​Compete online for Interview and Fitness Wear​

Compete in-person for Impact Statement and Formal Wear

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Wajumbe watashindana katika maeneo yafuatayo ya ushindani


Wajumbe watakamilisha mahojiano ya dakika 3 na majaji waliochaguliwa kwa mkono.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:


Kuogelea au kuvaa Fitness

Kila kitengo kitashindana katika eneo lililoteuliwa la nguo za kuogelea au za mazoezi ya mwili.

Mavazi ya mazoezi ya mwili:

(Kwa bibi na bwana)

Kidogo, Junior, PreTeen

Nguo za kuogelea:

(Kwa bibi na bwana)

Kijana, Bibi, Bw, Bi

Chaguo la hiari la Nguo za Kuogelea au Fitness:

(Kwa bibi na bwana)

Mwanamke, Bwana, Msomi, Mwanamke Msomi, Trans, Zaidi, Wanandoa

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:

Nguo za jioni au vazi rasmi

Wajumbe wote watachuana jukwaani wakiwa wamevalia vazi la jioni. Vazi rasmi jukwaani kwa kategoria za Mr & Royal Couple.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:

Swali la jukwaani

Watano bora katika kila kitengo watakuwa na sekunde 60 za kujibu swali la jukwaani kama eneo la mwisho la mashindano.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:


Wajumbe watakamilisha mahojiano ya mtindo wa jopo na majaji waliohakikiwa, waliochaguliwa kwa mkono.

Muda: Dakika 4


Delegates will be judged on confidence, knowledge of the platform, clarity of speech, audience connection, overall appearance, and responsiveness to questions.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:


Kuogelea au kuvaa Fitness

Kila kitengo kitashindana katika eneo lililoteuliwa la nguo za kuogelea au za mazoezi ya mwili.

Mavazi ya mazoezi ya mwili:

Idara ya Vijana na chini

Nguo za kuogelea:

Bibi & Bw.

Chaguo la hiari la kuogelea au Mavazi ya usawa:

Migawanyiko mingine yote


Delegate will be judge on confidence, poise, and fit and style of outfit.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:


Nguo za jioni au vazi rasmi

Wajumbe wote watashindana jukwaani wakiwa wamevalia vazi la jioni au vazi rasmi.


Delegates will be judged on elegance, fit, style, personal flair, and the delegate's confidence and poise.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:



Kila Mjumbe atakuwa na sekunde 90 za kuwasilisha jukwaa lake na jinsi linavyotoa a athari chanya kwa ulimwengu.


​Delegates will be judged on clarity, passion, delivery, educational content, audience engagement, and the effectiveness of their call to action.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:



This eneo linashughulikia ubora na nyakati za makaratasi yote, mawasiliano na tarehe za mwisho za kuheshimu.

Tathmini kamili na kuzama kwa kina katika uwepo wa mitandao ya kijamii, ubora wa maudhui, ushiriki, taswira ya jumla na chapa.

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:



Swali la jukwaani

Watano bora katika kila kitengo watakuwa na sekunde 60 za kujibu swali la jukwaani kama eneo la mwisho la mashindano.


Judged on clarity of thought, depth of response, confidence, ability to articulate ideas, and overall presentation

The scores from the On-Stage Question and the combined total of each delegate's score from previous areas of competition will determine the winner of each division.


*ONLY when a division has 15 or more delegates*

ASILIMIA YA Alama Jumla:


Alama ya awali imeondolewa.


Pointi zitakatwa kwa yafuatayo:

1. Kwenda kwa wakati (muda wa ziada wa sekunde 5 ili kumaliza sentensi kwa Mahojiano na Swali la Jukwaani PEKEE)

2. Kuchelewa kuwasili kwa maeneo ya ushindani

3. Kutojibu swali

4. Haifai au tabia ya kukera

Tazama Kitabu cha Mwongozo cha Mjumbe kwa maelezo zaidi.


Fashion Model Dress, Woman Dance in Long Gown, Waving Golden Silk Fabric, Beautiful Girl o


Chaguo la Watu



Mfano wa Mwaka

Mfano wa kuigwa

Huduma ya jamii

Spika wa Umma




Mitindo ya Kufurahisha

Fungua A (18-35)

Fungua B (36-65)

na zaidi...

The following list describes what would make someone ineligible to participate in the competition as a Delegate. Integrity is one of our 5 pillars and by implementing these policies, we are creating a fair environment and reducing the potential for possible situations where there is  conflict of interest. We have other positions available to be involved with UUP. Please contact us to know more.

  1. Immediate family members of UUP Staff at State, National or International Level

  2. Immediate family member or colleague of a Judge.

  3. Staff Member of UUP

  4. Any individual that is currently or has been involved in the sex industry within the last 2 years

If there is a working relationship that has ended or after 12 months (1 year) has lapsed, you are now eligible to apply to compete as a Delegate again.

  1. Local, Regional, State and National Competitions: Delegates are able to compete as many times as they would like (with a different title each time) until they reach the International Competition. Delegates are not able to compete with the same title multiple years in a row, regardless of what level of competition.

  2. The International Competition is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity! A delegate may only WIN an International Title one time in their life, in one particular category. A delegate may compete in other categories. (i.e. 1x Teen, 1x Miss, 1x Mrs)

  3. Sponsors are NOT allowed to be Judges or place Judges on the Judging panel*

  4. Directors, Staff, Staff or Delegate family members and close friends of Staff or Delegates are not allowed to be Judges.

  5. Any Sponsor Event or Sponsor Optional will function entirely on its own and will not impact Judging in Main Categories.

  6. Any Sponsor Event or Sponsor Optional will have a set of Judges different from the other Optional Categories.

  7. Optional Categories will have their own set of Judges.

  8. Main Categories will have multiple sets of Judges for online areas of competition (submitted and live), and for on-stage areas of competition. 

*If a Sponsor has an optional category or an additional event they are in charge of managing they are responsible for their own Judge Selection  (i.e. a modeling agency is looking to select a winner for a modeling contract)

UUP United Universe Productions International Pageant Organization
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